Chem21Labs has created 30 virtual chemistry labs and we are seeking to partner with professors who have an interest in . . . .
- science education
- lab education
- online delivery of interactive curriculum
You will learn a valuable coding language, create interactive animations and have a conduit from your creations to the world. Together we can create hundreds of animated chemistry (physical science, physics, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, etc) labs. We are not creating simulations or stand-alone labs - our virtual labs are unique in that they are integrated into our auto-graded lab report webpage. To see our approach, click Demo Labs where you can launch one of our 30 labs and work through it as a student using a demo account. While working a lab you will notice that the animation hovers over the lab report webpage where data from the animation is entered and calculations are automatically graded. This interactive, online lab report webpage was developed in 2005 and is used by many universities in their campus hands-on labs . . . . we are adding virtual labs to this existing feature. Chem21Labs will host your virtual lab(s) on a webpage where a professor can "demo" it. Once adopted, your lab will be accessed by students as a class assignment and you will receive 1/3 the adoption cost of your lab as a royalty.
Chem21VirtualLabs will
- support the college lab experience as pre-/post-lab assignments
- substitute for missed labs (absences or weather-related lab cancellations)
- supplement the lab experience of distance learning labs (college, high school and homeschool)
Whenever possible, a hands-on activity (performed in the student's kitchen) is coupled with the virtual lab for the distance-learning experience. A single virtual lab can be delivered as both a pre-/post-lab assignment and as a distance-learning lab (one virtual lab = two royalties). These "hybrid labs" are an excellent alternative for programs with limited equipment. Since virtual and hybrid labs can be performed quicker than in-person labs, a larger quantity and variety of labs can be assigned. To keep student cost low, our hybrid labs use "household chemicals" and microwave / oven heating (no open flames). We have eliminated expensive volumetric glassware by measuring the mass of liquid delivered and calculating the volume delivered (Volume = Mass ÷ Density) - burets and volumetric pipets are used in the virtual part of the hybrid lab. The Chem21 lab kit contains a milligram jeweler's balance, a digital thermometer, beakers, test tubes, graduated cylinder and chemicals/equipment needed to complete the selected hybrid labs. The hybric lab's virtual component contains virtual lab equipment (ironware, stirring hot plate, balance, chromatography chamber, buret, etc.) and virtual instruments (thermometer, pressure gauge, pH meter, ammeter, spectrometer, spectroscope, etc). This approach reduces cost while delivering quality learning experiences.
B.S. Chemistry Lee University Ph.D. Organic Chemistry UT Knoxville Professor of Chemistry Lee University Founder Chem21Labs
I founded Chem21Labs (2005) in the middle of my career as an organic chemistry professor (1990-2017). For my entire teaching career, I searched for creative ways to engage my students and increase their learning. Creating a virtual lab is the most creative activity I have done in the teaching of chemistry. My programming skills are "self taught" . . . . I began creating animations in Flash (2005) and transitioned to HTML5-JavaScript in 2017. I have created animated labs, interactive tutorials, Organic chemistry mechanism drawing quizzes, interactive dimensional analysis maps, an auto-graded molecule drawing program for Organic (Chem21Draw) and General Chemistry (Lewis Draw), animations to depict chemistry at the microscopic level, and so much more.
Why involve other professors . . . . especially professors you don't know?
- Chem21Labs is a small company with a large vision.
- Virtual labs will be used by professors just like you, so your input is critical to the project's success.
- Professors "on the front line" have the best ideas and the most creativity.
- Learning HTML5-JS will give you the creative means to produce other animations that can help students learn chemistry in an interactive environment. You can place these animations on your personal webpage or embed them in PowerPoint presentations.
- You can conduct research and present/publish your findings on the effectiveness of your virtual labs and other animations that you produce.
"Can I learn HTML5-JS and create virtual labs?" , if you . . . .
- can "do things" in Excel that make you one of the "go to" resources in your department or have experience in a programming language
- have a desire to create interactive, web-based animations that will enhance chemical education around the world
- have the time to learn HTML5-JS (3-4 days to get started) and have the time create a virtual lab (2-3 weeks).
John's first project is an example of what you will be able to do in a short period of time . . . . the complexity of John's stereochemistry tutorial and a virtual lab are similar. On the other hand, a complex project like his drawing project would take a larger investment of time and creativity (John had the resources and creative ability to envision how to create the grading piece of the drawing program). The HTML5-JS workshop will give you a huge advantage in that your training will be 10 times better than John's. After the 3-day workshop, you will have the resources to create any virtual lab that you can envision. We have three online workshops scheduled and are limiting attendance to 10 per workshop . . . . so respond quickly to reserve your spot.
- Workshop #1: May 19 - 21
- Workshop #2: June 2 - 4
- Workshop #3: July 7 - 9
Participants must have a subscription to Adobe's Creative Suite . . . . specifically Adobe Animate. Check with your university to see if you have access to the Creative Suite . . . . if not, Adobe gives a large discount to teachers. In addition, you can get a 1 month free trial. I have prepared a HTML5-JS tutorial (topics shown in image to the right) that will be covered on Day 1. This tutorial contains code and explanations that I have compiled over the last 7 years and will likely allow you to begin your first project with a "2-3 year" head start. Day 2 will cover other JavaScript code and how to use the CreateJS library. Day 3 has you completing some small "projects" . . . . at the end of Day 3, you will select your first virtual lab project. Any code / assets (equipment or instruments) that are needed in your project that Chem21Labs has already created will be made available to you to use in your project.
Sign up today by emailing ( ) and indicating the workshop you want to attend.
Looking forward to a great summer of creativity.