Online Lab Submission
Students: Instructors: Virtual Labs: Pre-Lab Assignments
Interactive Animations:

Colligative Properties of a Solution

A colligative property depends on the concentration of solute particles but not upon the identity of the solute. A solution containing a solute that cannot dissociate (i.e. Sucrose) will have a specific effect on the vapor pressure, boiling point, freezing point and osmotic pressure of the solution. A solution containing a solute that dissociates into two ions (i.e. NaCl) will have twice the effect on these solution properties. The solute CaCl2 will have three times the effect . . . . the solute FeCl3 will have four times the effect.

  • For touchscreens, touch the hand icon to disable normal touch events.
  • Select a solute.
  • Move the concentraion slider to add a certain mass of the selected solute.
  • Move the temperature slider to raise or lower the temperature of the solution.
  • Note that the solution remains at the freezing temperature until frozen and then the temperature falls to the value entered.
  • Also note that the solution remains at the boiling temperature until all the solvent is gone.
  • The vapor pressure, freezing point, boiling point and osmotic pressure values listed are whole number approximations in the grey box - this allows you to re-create a solution described in a homework problem and use the numbers in the animation to "check your work."